What to Expect

Before You Child's Well Child Exam

  • Complete CHADIS screening if needed. Click here for details.
  • Call us if your child's insurance coverage has changed. By doing so, you will save time and possibly out-of-pocket expense.

What To Bring To Your Well Child Exam

  • A well rested, well fed kid. (Please refrain from bringing food (particularly peanut butter, nut containing foods, crumbly messy foods) into the office. A small, nutrititious snack is ok if needed.
  • Your child's insurance card. Note: for the 1 month exam, parent must bring verification of active coverage (ID#, Letter of confirmation from insurance company, insurance card, etc. If you are unable to demonstrate active coverage, you will be asked to pay for the visit at time of service.)
  • All children will receive a CT State Physical Exam form which can generally be used for camps, sports, etc. If you have specific forms that must be completed please bring at the time of visit.
  • Your list of questions and concerns. If you have more than 2 simple concerns to discuss, please alert our schedulers so that we can allow more time for your visit. More involved issues, such as attentional or behavioral concerns, may require a separate visit.

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